- Impaired Urinary Elimination
- Knowledge Deficit
Nursing Interventions for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) :
1. Impaired Urinary Elimination related to mechanical obstruction of the bladder or other urinary tract structures.
Expected outcomes are:
- Improved elimination pattern, not the signs urinary disorders (urgency, oliguri, dysuria)
a. Monitor input and output characteristics of the urine.
Rational: provides information about renal function and presence of complications
b. Determine the patient's voiding patterns
c. Encourage increased fluid intake
Rationale: increased hydration will flush the bacteria.
d. Review the full bladder complaints
Rational: urinary retention may occur causing tissue distension (bladder / kidney)
e. Observations of changes in mental status:, behavior or level of consciousness
Rational: the accumulation of residual uremic and electrolyte imbalance can be toxic to the central nervous system
f. Unless contraindicated: reposition the patient every two hours
Rational: To prevent static urine
g. Collaboration:
- Monitor laboratory tests: electrolytes, creatinine
Rational: control of renal dysfunction
- Take action to keep the urine acid: increase input berry juice and give medicines to increase urine aam.
Rational: aam urine inhibit the growth of germs. Increased input juice may affect the treatment of urinary tract infections.
2. Knowledge Deficit: about condition, prognosis, and treatment needs related to the lack of sources of information.
Expected outcomes are:
- Expressed understanding of the condition, diagnostic examination, treatment plan, self-care and preventive measures.
a. The review process of the disease and hope that will come
Rational: provides basic knowledge which the patient can make an informed choice.
b. Provide information on: sources of infection, measures to prevent the spread, explain the administration of antibiotics, diagnostic examination: objectives, a brief overview, preparation required prior to inspection, examination after treatment.
Rational: knowledge of what is expected to reduce anxiety and help develop client adherence to therapeutic plan.
c. Make sure the patient, or the people closest to have written agreements for continued treatment and written instructions for care after the examination
Rational: verbal instructions can be easily forgotten.
d. Instruct patient to use a given drug, drink as much as approximately eight glasses a day, especially berry juices.
Rationale: Patients often discontinue their medication, if the signs of the disease subsided. Fluids to help flush the kidneys. Pyruvic acid from berry juice helps to maintain the state of the urine acid and prevent bacterial growth.
e. Provide the opportunity for patients to express feelings and concerns about the treatment plan.
Rational: To detect the signal indicative of the possibility of non-compliance and help to develop a therapeutic plan acceptance.
UTI or urinary tract infections give a very sharp burning pain. This disease happens to women in majority. The best remedy of UTI is the regular consumption of Cranberry Concentrate Liquid.