Sunday, August 12, 2012

Why does Coffee Cause Gastritis?

According Warianto (2011), coffee is a drink that consists of different types of materials and chemicals; including fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, vegetable acid called phenol, vitamins and minerals.

Coffee is known to stimulate the stomach to produce stomach acid, creating an environment that is more acidic and can irritate the stomach. There are two elements that can affect the health of the stomach and the stomach lining, namely caffeine and chlorogenic acid.

The study, published in Gastroenterology found that various factors such as acidity, caffeine or other mineral deposits in the coffee can trigger high stomach acid. So that no single component should be responsible (Anonymous, 2011).

Caffeine can cause stimulation of the central nervous system (brain), respiratory system and cardiovascular system. Therefore, no wonder every cup of coffee in reasonable amounts (1-3 cups), your body feels refreshed, excited, thinking power more quickly, not easily tired or sleepy. Caffeine can cause central nervous system stimulation, thereby increasing the activity of the stomach and gastrin on gastric secretion and pepsin. The hormone gastrin released by stomach has the effect of gastric secretion which is very acidic sap of the gastric fundus. Increased secretion of acid can cause irritation and inflammation of the gastric mucosa (Okviani, 2011).

Thus, digestive disorders are vulnerable are often owned by people who drink coffee are gastritis (inflammation of the lining of the stomach). Some people who have digestive problems and discomfort in the abdomen or stomach are usually advised to avoid or limit drinking coffee, so the condition is not worse. (Warianto, 2011).

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