Friday, August 24, 2012

Management of Acute Gastritis and Chronic Gastritis

Gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

Gastritis is divided into 2, namely:
  1. Acute gastritis
    One form of acute gastritis are frequently encountered in the clinic is acute erosive gastritis. Acute erosive gastritis is an acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa to erosive damage. Called when the erosive damage is not deeper than the muscularis mucosa.

  2. Chronic gastritis
    Chronic gastritis is an inflammation of the chronic gastric mucosal surface.
    Chronic gastritis is an inflammation of the mucosal surface of the stomach caused by either prolonged benign and malignant gastric ulcers or by bacteria helicobacter pylori. (Brunner and Suddart, 2000, p: 188).


The cause of gastritis is an anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs, especially aspirin; chemicals, such lisol; smoking; alcohol; physical stress caused by burns, sepsis, trauma, surgery, respiratory failure, kidney failure, damage to the central nervous system; gastrointestinal reflux (Inayah , 2004, p: 58).

Gastritis can also be caused by medications, especially aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can also be caused by impaired microcirculation of the gastric mucosa such as trauma, burns and sepsis (Mansjoer, Arif, 1999, p: 492).

Gastritis Clinical Manifestations

Dyspepsia syndromes such as epigastric pain, nausea, bloating and vomiting is one of the complaints that often arise. Gastrointestinal bleeding was also found in the form of hematemesis and melena, followed by signs of anemia after bleeding. Usually if done anamnesa deeper, there is a history of the use of drugs or certain chemicals. Patients with gastritis also accompanied by dizziness, weakness and discomfort in the abdomen (Mansjoer, Arif, 1999, p: 492-493).

Management of Gastritis

Treatment of gastritis include:
  1. Overcoming medical emergencies occur.
  2. Overcoming or avoiding the cause if it can be found.
  3. Giving drugs antacids or gastric ulcer medications to another.

In gastritis, management can be done by:

Management of Acute Gastritis
  • Instruct patient to avoid alcohol.
  • If the patient is able to eat by mouth nutritious diet is recommended.
  • If symptoms persist, fluids should be given parenterally.
  • If bleeding occurs, do gastromfestinal channel management to hemorrhage.
  • To neutralize the acids commonly used antacids.
  • To neutralize the alkali used diluted lemon juice or vinegar diluted.
  • Emergency surgery may be needed to remove gangrene or perforation.
  • The reaction needed to overcome obstruction gastric pylorus.

Management of Chronic Gastritis
  • Can be overcome by modifying the patient's diet, eating soft diet was given little but more often.
  • reduce stress
  • H. Pylori treated with antibiotics.

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