Friday, April 20, 2012

Risk for Injury related to Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease is a common disorder, that arises due to some imperfection, that amends the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Parkinson's disease is a complex Constellation of symptoms requiring the care of a neurologist. The prompt symptoms of the disease are problems related with movement like shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement and difficulty in walking and gait. As the disease progresses the patient suffers from cognitive impairment as well as behavioral problems.

Causes of Parkinson's disease. It is not clear as to what makes these nerve cells break down. But Scientists are doing a lot of research to look for the answer. Abnormal genes seem to lead to Parkinson's disease in some people. But so far, there is not enough proof to show That it is always Inherited.

Risk for Injury related to Parkinson's Disease

Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for injury related to decreased visual ability

Having given nursing care, patients are expected to express an understanding of the factors involved in possible injury.

Expected outcomes are:
Shows changes in lifestyle behaviors to reduce risk factors and to protect themselves from injury.

Nursing Interventions - Risk for Injury related to Parkinson's Disease

1. Reduce the risk of environmental harm from clients such as:
  • Lock the wheels of the bed.
  • Provide adequate lighting.
  • Down from the bed of the eye is not sore and a bed in low position.
  • Pairs of bed in low position.
  • Remove objects that easily falls (such as bins, seats without backrest)
  • Put your tools such as call bell, tissue, telephone, or controller, easily accessible place on the client side is not affected.
  • Encourage clients to use the handle of the bathroom if possible.
  • Clean the floors of small objects such as pins, pencils and needle.
2. Tell the client to change positions slowly.

3. Encourage clients to use adaptive equipment such as canes and walkers for ambulation as needed.

4. Tell the importance of using protective eyewear when performing high risk activities such as ambulation at night or when you are in the midst of children or pets.


1. Prevent dizziness
2. Prevent falls due to changes in depth perception. Object or objects may not be located in a visible place such as a client, who took over the center of gravity will change which will cause the client to fall.
3. Gave the source of stability.
4. Increase the sense of balance.
5. Prevent injury.

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