Thursday, April 19, 2012

Nursing Interventions for Self-Care Deficit - Bathing / Hygiene

Self-Care Deficit - Bathing / Hygiene


Circumstances where individuals have failed to implement or complete ability bathing / hygiene activities.


Lack of ability to bathe themselves (including washing the whole body, combing hair, brushing teeth, doing skin care and nails as well as the use of makeup)
  • Can not or no desire to wash the body or body parts.
  • Can not use the source water.
  • Inability to feel the need for hygiene measures.
Lack of ability to wear his own clothes (including underwear routine or special clothing, not the clothes the night)
  • Failure of the ability to use or release of clothes.
  • Inability to fasten clothing.
  • Inability to dress themselves satisfactorily.
Expected outcomes are:

Individuals will
1. Identifying the love of self-care activities.
2. Demonstrated that optimal hygiene in care after assistance is given.
3. Participate in physical and or verbal self-care activities
  • Carry out the shower activity at its optimal level.
  • Reported satisfaction with the achievements despite the limitations.
  • Connecting a feeling of comfort and satisfaction with the cleanliness of the body.
  • Demonstrate ability to use adaptive assistive devices.
  • Describe the factors that cause of the lack of ability to bathe.

Nursing Interventions for Self-Care Deficit - Bathing / Hygiene:

1. Encourage individuals to use corrective lenses or assistive devices are prescribed.

2. Keep the temperature warm bath; make sure the preferred water temperature of the individual.

3. Provide privacy for bathing routine.

4. Give all toiletries in a convenient boundary.

5. Provide security in the bathroom (eg, the floor is not slippery, handle bars, bells).

6. If the individual is able to physically push using the bath or shower, depending on the hospital facilities in preparation for return home.

7. Provide adaptive equipment if needed
  • Seat or no back seat while bathing
  • The holder of spongy long reach back or lower extremities
  • Place the handle on the bathroom wall
  • Board to move to a bath seat
  • Pad or mat that is not slippery
  • Dishwashing gloves with pockets for soap
  • Toothbrush that has been adapted
  • Shavers
  • Shower spray handle
8. To individual eyesight deficiencies
  • Place toiletries in the most appropriate location for the individual
  • Keep the call bell within easy reach
  • Give the same degree of privacy
  • Verbally inform yourself before entering or leaving the bath
  • Observation of the individual's ability to put all toiletries
  • Observation of the individual's ability to perform oral care, brushing her hair.
  • Provide a place to clean clothing that is easily accessible.
9. For individuals with missing limbs or pain
  • Bathe in the early morning or before bed at night.
  • Encourage individuals to use the mirror over the bath to observe the area of ​​skin that have paralise
  • Encourage individuals who experience limb amputation to observe the integrity of the skin is left for good.
  • Give only some supervision or assistance needed to learn to re-use or adaptation of limb defects
10. For individuals with cognitive decline
  • Give time to bathe consistent routine as part of a structured program to help reduce anxiety
  • Keep instructions simple and avoid distractions; orientation purposes of toiletries.
  • If the individual is unable to bathe the whole body, allow individuals to bathe a part of her body until it is; give positive feedback on the success
  • Monitoring activities carried out until the individual can safely perform tasks that are not supported
  • Encourage attention to the task, but be wary of fatigue that may increase anxiety
11. Ensure that the shower facilities available at home and help in determining if there are different needs for adaptation.

12. refer to the occupational therapy or social services to assist in obtaining necessary equipment.

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