Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Nursing Theory of Self Care Deficit - By Dorothea E. Orem

Nursing Theory of Self Care Deficit - By Dorothea E. OremTheory of Self Care Deficit. This theory is at the core of the theory of Orem. Lack of self-care is the relationship between self-care agency and therapeutic self-care self-care agency in which the demand is not able to meet the needs of self-care.

Orem identified 5 methods to provide nursing assistance:
  1. Providing direct services in the form of nursing actions
  2. Provide direction and facilitate the client's ability to meet needs independently.
  3. Provide physical and psychological boost to be able to develop a potential client, so it can perform maintenance on their own.
  4. Provide and maintain an environment that supports personal development clients to increase independence in care.
  5. Teach clients about the procedures and other aspects of the action that the client can perform self-care independently.
Nurses can help individuals by using these methods in providing assistance with personal care. To be able to provide appropriate assistance, the nurse must assess the client's condition to determine the appropriate method.

Orem defines five areas of nursing practice activities:
  1. Fostering and maintaining good nurse-client relationship of individuals, families or groups up to the clients home.
  2. Determine the condition of clients who require nursing assistance.
  3. Responds to requests, wishes and needs of clients and contacts will help caregivers.
  4. Establish, provide and regulate aid directly to the client.
  5. Coordinate and integrate nursing care with daily activities of clients, other health care, provision of social services and education needed or being received.

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