Friday, March 23, 2012

Breastfeeding Benefits for Baby

Breastfeeding Benefits for BabyBreastfeeding Benefits for Baby

Breastfeeding for the baby would have been very beneficial. There are so many benefits of breast milk that are needed by the infant. The advantages and benefits of breastfeeding can be viewed from several aspects including the nutritional aspects. When viewed from the aspect of nutrition, there are four benefits of colostrum in breast milk is important to know the mothers and very useful for the baby.

First, colostrum contains important antibodies, particularly IgA to protect infants from infectious diseases, especially diarrhea.

Second, the amount of colostrum produced varies depending on the baby sucking on the first days of birth. Although a little but enough to meet the nutritional needs of infants. Therefore, colostrum should be fed to infants.

Third, Colostrum contains protein, vitamin A and high carbohydrate and low fat, so that according to the nutritional needs of infants in the first days of birth.

Fourth, help remove the meconium is baby's first feces, greenish-black.

In addition, the mothers also need to know three things on the composition of breast milk.

First, breast milk is easily digested, because in addition to containing the appropriate nutrients, it also contains enzymes to digest the nutrients contained in the milk.

Secondly, breast milk contains nutrients that are useful for high-quality growth and development of the intelligence of babies / children.

Third, in addition to containing high protein, milk has a ratio between Whei and Casein that is suitable for babies. Whei ratio with Casein is one of the benefits of breast milk compared with cow's milk, breast milk contains more whey is 65:35. This causes the protein composition of breast milk is more easily absorbed. Whereas in cow's milk has a ratio of Whey: Casein is 20: 80, so it is not easily absorbed.

Not only that, the mother is also important to know the composition of Taurine, DHA and AA in breast milk.

First, Taurine, an amino acid is a kind of second most abundant in breast milk that serves as a neuro-transmitter, and plays an important role for the maturation of brain cells. Experiments in animals indicate that taurine deficiency will result in a disruption in the retina of the eye.

Second, Decosahexanoic Acid (DHA) and Arachidonic Acid (AA) is an unsaturated fatty acid chain length (polyunsaturated fatty acids) are required for the formation of brain cells is optimal. The amount of DHA and AA in breast milk is sufficient to ensure growth and intelligence of children. Besides DHA and AA in the body can be formed or synthesized from its constituent substance (precursor) respectively of Omega 3 (linolenic acid) and Omega 6 or linoleic acid. (Yz)

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