Sunday, March 11, 2012

Nursing Diagnosis Interventions for Risk for Violence - Schizophrenia

Risk for Violence - SchizophreniaNursing Interventions for Risk for Violence - Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a kind of mental disorder that makes it difficult to differentiate between the real and unreal experiences, to think rationally, to have normal emotional management and to be sociable to others.

Types of schizophrenia:

- Paranoid schizophrenia
- Catatonic schizophrenia
- Disorganized schizophrenias

People who have this brain disorder have an altered reality perception. They may able to hear and see things that do not exist, speak in weird or unclear ways, and believe that someone is trying to hurt them, or even feel like someone is constantly watching them. However, this condition can be manageably treated and cured.

Nursing Diagnosis Risk for Violence: Self-Directed or Other-Directed

related to:
  1. Lack of trust: distrust of others
  2. Panic
  3. Stimulation of catatonic
  4. The reaction of anger
  5. Instructions of hallucinatory
  6. Mind delusions
  7. Walking back and forth
  8. Jaw stiffness; clenched his fists, rigid posture
  9. Aggressive action: direct purpose of destroying objects that are in the surrounding environment
  10. Active self-destructive behavior; aggressive suicide
  11. The words of a threatening, hostile; act of bragging to the psychological torment of others
  12. Increased motor activity, footsteps, excitement, irritability, restlessness.
  13. Perceive the environment as a threat.
  14. Receive a "messenger" through hearing or sight as a threat.
Long-term goals:
Patients will not endanger themselves and others over at the Hospital.

Short term goals:
Within 2 weeks the patient can recognize the signs of increased anxiety and restlessness, and report to the nurse agaar given intervention as needed.

Nursing Interventions for Schizophrenia : Risk for Violence

(A) Keep the patient's environment at low stimulus levels (low lighting, a few, simple decor, low noise level).
Anxiety levels will increase in an environment full of stimulus.Individu-existing individuals may be perceived as a threat because of suspicious, and eventually make the patient agitation.

(B) Observe closely the behavior of the patient (every 15 minutes). Do this as a routine activity for the patient to avoid any suspicion in the patient.
Close observation is important, because then appropriate interventions can be provided immediately and to always ensure that patients are safe.

(C) Remove all objects that can harm the environment around the patient
If the patient is in a state of anxiety, confusion, patients will not use these objects to endanger yourself or others.

(D) Try to channel your self-destructive behavior to the physical kegiatn to reduce patient anxiety (eg, hitting sandbags).
Physical exercise is a safe way to menghilaangkan efektf latent tensions.

(E) Staff must maintain a calm passage and display behavior towards patients.
Anxiety is contagious and can be transferred from nurses to patients.

(F) Have a staff strong enough physically to help secure the patient if necessary.
It is necessary to control the situation and also provide physical security to the staff.

(G) Provide appropriate medication therapy treatment program. Monitor the effectiveness of drugs and their side effects.
How to achieve "alternative batasaan least" should be selected when planning interventions for psychiatry.


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