Thursday, March 15, 2012

Impaired Verbal Communication related to Delusions

Nursing Diagnosis Impaired Verbal Communication related to Delusions

General Objectives:
  • No damage verbal communication
Specific objectives:

1. Clients can build trusting relationships with caregivers
Nursing Interventions:
  • Construct a trusting relationship: therapeutic greetings, introduce yourself, explain the purpose of interaction, create a peaceful environment, create a contract that clearly the topic, time, forging).
  • Do not argue and support the client's delusions: tell the nurse receives a client confidence "I accept your beliefs" with the expression of receiving, say nurses do not support, accompanied by expressions of doubt and empathy, the client does not discuss the content of delusions.
  • Make sure the client is in a safe and secure: tell the nurse will accompany the client and the client is in a safe place, use the openness and honesty do not leave the client alone.
  • Observation of whether delusions interfere with daily activities and self-care.

2. Clients can identify the capabilities of the
Nursing Interventions:
  • Give praise to the appearance and the ability of clients to be realistic.
  • Discuss with the client's capabilities in the past and present realistic.
  • Ask me what I used to do then recommend to do it now (to associate with the day to day activity and self-care).
  • If the client is always talking about delusions, delusions do not listen to the needs there. Show the client that the client is very important.

3. Clients can identify unmet need

Nursing Interventions:
  • Observation of daily needs of clients.
  • Discuss the unmet needs of clients both at home and during hospital (pain, anxiety, anger)
  • Connect the unmet needs and the emergence of delusions.
  • Increase activities that can meet the needs of clients and takes time and effort (for the schedule if possible).
  • Set the situation so that the client does not have time to use a delusion.

4. Clients can be in touch with reality

Nursing Interventions:
  • Talking with clients in the context of reality (self, other people, places and times).
  • Include the client in a therapy group activity: reality orientation.
  • Give praise to the positive activities undertaken each client

5. Clients can use the drug properly

Nursing Interventions:
  • Discuss with the client regarding the drug name, dose, frequency, effects and side effects of medication
  • Help clients use the drug with the principle of 5 correct (patient name, drug, dose, method and time).
  • Encourage clients to discuss the effects and side effects of perceived drug
  • Give reinforcement when clients take the correct medication.

6. Clients can support from family

Nursing Interventions:
  • Discuss with the family through family meetings about: delusional symptoms, how to care for clients, family and follow-up drug.
  • Give reinforcement for family involvement.

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