Saturday, August 25, 2012

Nursing Assessment of Typhoid Fever by Doenges

Nursing Assessment According to Doenges (1999: 476-485) are:

a. Activity and Rest.
Symptoms: weakness, fatigue, malaise, feeling anxious and anxiety, restriction of activities / work in relation to the disease process.

b. circulation
Signs: Tachycardia (fever response, the inflammatory process and pain), relative bradycardia, hypotension including postural, skin / mucous membranes poor turgor, dry, dirty tongue.

c. Ego integrity
Symptoms: Anxiety, emotional, upset eg feelings of helplessness / no hope.
Signs: Refuse, narrowed attention.

d. elimination
Symptoms: Diarrhea / constipation.
Signs: Decreased bowel / no peristalsis increased in constipated / a peristaltic.

e. Food / fluid
Symptoms: Anorexia, nausea and vomiting.
Signs: Decreased subcutaneous fat, weakness, muscle tone and poor skin turgor, mucous membranes pale.

f. Hygiene
Signs: The inability to maintain self-care, body odor.

g. Pain / comfort
Symptoms: Hepatomegaly, Spenomegali, epigastric pain.
Symptoms: Tenderness in the right hipokondilium or epigastrium.

h. security
Symptoms: Increased body temperature of 38 C - 40 C, blurred vision, mental delirium / psychosis.

i. Social interaction
Symptoms: Decreased relationships with others, relating to conditions in nature.

j. Counseling / Learning
Symptoms: A family history of inflammatory bowel diseased.

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