Thursday, May 17, 2012

Deficient Knowledge related to COPD

Definition of Deficient Knowledge:

The absence or lack of cognitive information, with respect to the specific topic.

Defining characteristics:
  • verbalization of the problem,
  • follow the instructions inaccuracies,
  • inappropriate behavior.

Related factors:
  • cognitive limitations,
  • interpretation of the information is wrong,
  • lack of desire to seek information,
  • do not know the sources of information.

NOC - Deficient Knowledge of COPD:
  • Kowlwdge: Disease process
  • Kowledge: Health behavior

Expected Result :
  • Patients and families expressed an understanding of the disease, condition, prognosis and treatment programs
  • Patients and families are able to carry out procedures correctly explained
  • Patients and families are able to explain again what is described nurse / other health care team.

NIC - Deficient Knowledge related to COPD :

• Teaching: Disease Process
  • Give an assessment of the patient's level of knowledge about specific disease processes
  • Describe the pathophysiology of the disease and how this relates to the anatomy and physiology, in a proper way.
  • Describe the signs and symptoms usually appear on the disease, in an appropriate manner
  • Describe the disease process, in an appropriate manner
  • Identification of possible causes, in a proper way
  • Provide information to patients about the condition, in a proper way
  • Avoid a hopeless
  • Provide information to families about the progress of patients in an appropriate manner
  • Discuss lifestyle changes that may be necessary to prevent complications in the future or control the disease
  • Discuss the choice of therapy or treatment
  • Support the patient to explore or get a second opinion in a proper way or the indicated
  • Exploration of possible sources or support, in a proper way
  • Refer patients to the group or agency in the local community, in an appropriate manner
  • Instruct patients about the signs and symptoms to report on health care providers, in an appropriate manner.

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