Tuesday, May 29, 2012

4 Nursing Diagnosis Interventions for Hypertension

Nursing Care Plan for HypertensionNursing Diagnosis for Hypertension - Nursing Care Plan for Hypertension

1. Risk for decreased cardiac output related to increased afterload, vasoconstriction, myocardial ischemia, ventricular hypertrophy.

Purpose: afterload is not increased, there was no vasoconstriction, and myocardial ischemia does not occur.

Expected outcomes:
  • Maintaining blood pressure within an acceptable range.
  • Showed stable cardiac rhythm and frequency.
  • Participate in activities that lower blood pressure.
Nursing interventions:
  • Monitor and measure blood pressure in both hands, using a cuff and proper techniques in terms of measuring blood pressure.
  • Auscultation of breath sounds and heart tone. Observe skin color, moisture, temperature and capillary refill time.
  • Note the presence, quality of the central and peripheral pulses.
  • Maintain restrictions on activities such as rest in bed or chair.
  • Assist in performing self-care activities as needed.
  • Provide a quiet environment, convenient, and therapeutic and reduce activity. Note the general edema.
  • Monitor response to medication to control blood pressure. Give fluid and dietary sodium restriction as indicated.
  • Medical collaboration in the provision of drugs as indicated.

2. Acute pain: headache related to increased cerebral vascular pressure.

Purpose: The pressure does not increase cerebral vascular

Expected Outcomes: Patients revealed the absence of headache and looked comfortable.

Nursing interventions:
  • Maintain bed rest, quiet neighborhood, a little light.
  • Limit of patients in the activity.
  • Minimize disruption and environmental stimuli.
  • Give a fun action according to indications such as ice packs, the position of comfort, relaxation techniques, counseling imagination, avoid constipation.
  • Medical collaboration in providing analgesic and sedative drugs.
3. Ineffective Tissue Perfusion: cerebral, renal, cardiac related to impaired circulation.

Purpose: The circulation of the body is not impaired.

Expected outcomes :
  • Patients demonstrating an improved tissue perfusion as indicated by: blood pressure within acceptable limits, no complaints of headache, dizziness, laboratory values ​​within normal limits.
  • Stable vital signs.
  • Urine output 30 ml / min.
Nursing interventions:

  • Maintain bed rest, elevate the head position in bed patients.
  • Assess blood pressure at admission in both arms, sleeping, sitting with arterial pressure monitoring if it is available.
  • Measure the input and discharge.
  • Observe the sudden hypotension.
  • Ambulation within your means and avoid fatigue in patients.
  • Monitor electrolytes, creatinine according to medical advice.
  • Maintain fluids and medications according to medical advice.
4. Knowledge deficit related to lack of information about the disease process and self-care.

Purpose : patients are met in terms of information about hypertension.

Expected outcomes :
  • Patients can express their knowledge and skills of the management of early treatment of hypertension.
  • Reported the use of drugs according to medical advice.
Nursing interventions:
  • Describe the nature of the disease and the purpose of the procedure and the treatment of hypertension.
  • Explain the importance of a peaceful environment and theraupetik, and management of stressors.
  • Discuss the importance of maintaining a stable weight.
  • Discuss the need for low-calorie diet, low in sodium to order.
  • Discuss the importance of avoiding fatigue in the activity.
  • Explain the need to avoid constipation in the bowel movement.
  • Explain penetingnya maintain proper fluid intake, amount allowed, restrictions such as caffeinated coffee, tea and alcohol.
  • Discuss the symptoms of relapse or progression of complications reported to the doctor: headache, dizziness, fainting, nausea and vomiting.
  • Talk about drugs: the name, dosage, time of administration, purpose and side effects or toxic effects.
  • Explain the need to avoid drug-free, without a doctor's examination.
Related Articles : Nursing Care Plan for Hypertension
Hypertension Diet
Hypertension Nursing Care Plan : Assessment, Diagnosis and Interventions
Nursing Management of Hypertension
Pathophysiology of Hypertension
Nanda Nursing Diagnosis for Hypertension


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