Thursday, April 12, 2012

Health Counseling of Gastritis

Health Counseling of Gastritis

1. General Purpose
  • To change, control or eliminate all physical complaints of gastritis that occurs that gives the client a bad influence on their daily activities.
2. Special Purpose
  • Having given an explanation of gastritis, the patient is able to:
  • Explain what is gastritis
  • Explain the classification of gastritis
  • Explain the tips in preventing and overcoming gastritis
  • Explaining the importance of information about gastritis
3. The Material
  • Definition of gastritis
  • Classification of gastritis
  • Signs of gastritis
  • The cause of gastritis
  • What things are done for the medium and treating gastritis.
4. Method
  • Lectures, and question and answer
5. Tools
  • leaflets

Health Counseling Process for Gastritis

1. Pre Interactions
Setting up a counseling unit events and leaflets.

2. Health Counseling
  • Introduction
  • Determine the time of contract
  • Provide greeting
  • Explain the material
  • Provide an opportunity to ask questions.
  • Again concluded that the explanation has been given.
3. Termination
Thank you and greetings


a. Evaluation of structures
  • Readiness of the media include:
  • Leaflets, Flipchart, Microphone.
  • the timing
  • determination of the place
  • Notice to residents
  • Organizing a small committee of community
b. Evaluation process
  • Health Working Group on time
  • Outreach activities running order.
  • Health Working Group to ask questions
  • Health Working Group to follow the activities to complete.
c. Evaluation Results
  • Health Working Group can be answered correctly 75% of the extension question.

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