Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Causes and Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

Causes and Symptoms of OsteoarthritisCauses of Osteoarthritis

1. Age
Physical and biochemical changes that occur, in line with increasing age with a reduction in the amount of collagen and water content, and sediment shaped yellow pigment.

2. Wear and tear
Excessive use of joints could theoretically damage the joint cartilage through two mechanisms, namely erosion and degeneration process because the material must contain.

3. Obesity
Factors of obesity will increase the burden on the joint support of body weight, whereas pain or disability caused by osteoarthritis cause someone becomes inactive and can add to obesity.

4. Trauma
Physical activity can lead to osteoarthritis is a trauma that causes damage to the structure and biomechanical integrity of these joints.

5. Descent
Heberden nodes is one form of osteoarthritis is usually found in men with both parents affected by osteoarthritis, while the women, only one of the parents affected.

6. Arthritis disease other
Infections (arthritis rematord; acute infection, chronic infection) cause inflammatory reactions and destruction of enzymes by the cartilage matrix and synovial membrane of inflammatory cells.

7. Joint Mallignment
Acromegaly due to the influence of hormones on growth, the cartilage will spring up and cause the joint to become unstable / balanced so as to accelerate the process of degeneration.

8. Endocrine diseases
In hyperthyroidism, there is the production of water and salts excessive proteglikan backer on the entire network so that the physical properties of cartilage damage, ligament, tendon, synovial, and skin. In diabetes mellitus, glucose will cause production to decline proteaglikan.

9. Deposit in the joint cartilage
Haemochromatosis, Wilson disease, akronotis, calcium pyrophosphate can precipitate hemosiderin, copper polymers, hemogentisis acid, monosodium urate crystals / pyrophosphate in cartilage.

Clinical symptoms of osteoarthritis :

1. Joints Pain
An overview of primary osteoarthritis, the pain will increase when it is doing something physical activity.

2. Stiffness and limited motion
It usually lasts 15-30 minutes and occur after a break or when starting a physical activity.

3. Inflammation
Secondary synovitis, tissue pH decreased, the collection of fluid in the joint space will cause swelling and stretching of the joints are all these hoops will cause pain.

4. Mechanical
Pain will usually be much more pronounced after a long time and will decrease the activity at rest. Maybe something to do with the circumstances that have advanced disease where the cartilage has been damaged. Pain is usually located on the affected joint but can be spread, for example on coxae osteoarthritis pain may be felt in the knees, buttocks next lateril, and upper limbs. Pain can occur when cold, but this has yet to be known.

5. Swollen joints
Swelling of the joints is an inflammatory reaction as collection of fluid in the joint space is usually palpable heat in the absence of milking.

6. Deformity
Caused by local distruksi cartilage.

7. Disfunction
Arising from the incongruity between the bones forming the joint.

1 comment:

  1. People who suffer with osteoarthritis in their knees may start to notice some stiffness and swelling around the knee cap. These symptoms may get better throughout the day if you encourage regular movement to stop your knees from seizing up. Osteoarthritis Symptoms
