Friday, March 9, 2012

Nursing Interventions for Schizophrenia

Nursing Interventions for Schizophrenia

  1. Set realistic goals with clients.
  2. Set the desired outcomes for clients with schizophrenia.
  3. Set the desired criteria for the families that have family members with schizophrenia.

Nursing Interventions for Schizophrenia

1. Clients who withdrew and isolation
  • Use a self-therapeutic.
  • Perform a planned interaction, brief, frequent, and not demanding.
  • Plan simple activities one-on-one.
  • Maintain consistency and honesty in interactions.
  • Gradually encourage clients to interact with their peers in a non-threatening situation
  • Provide social skills training.
  • Perform a variety of actions to improve self-esteem.
2. Clients show regressive behavior or unfair
  • Do approach, it is strange behavior (do not reinforce this behavior).
  • Treat the client as an adult, even though the client regresses.
  • Monitor the client's diet, and give support and assistance when necessary.
  • Assist the client in terms of hygiene and dress up, only when the client can not do it alone.
  • Be careful with the touch because it can be considered a threat
  • Create a regular schedule of activities of daily living.
  • Give a simple choice of two things for clients who experience ambivalence.
3. Clients with no clear pattern of communication
  • Keep your own communication to keep it clear and unambiguous.
  • Maintain consistency of your verbal and nonverbal communication.
  • Clarification of any meaning ambiguous or not clearly related to client communication
4. Clients who are suspicious and rude
  • Form professional relationships; too friendly to bet the threat.
  • Be careful with the touch because it can be considered a threat.
  • Give as much control and autonomy to the client within the therapeutic limits.
  • Create a sense of trust through brief interactions that communicate caring and respect.
  • Describe any treatment, medication and laboratory tests before the start.
  • Do not focus or strengthen the suspicion or delusional ideas.
  • Identify and provide a response to the underlying emotional needs of suspicion or delusional
  • Intervene when the client shows signs of increasing anxiety and potentially express an unconscious behavior.
  • Be careful to not behave in a way that could be misinterpreted kilen.
5. Clients with hallucinations or delusions
  • Do not focus on hallucinations or delusions. Perform an interrupt to initiate interaction with the client's hallucinatory one-on-one based on reality.
  • Tell them that you do not agree with the perception of the client, but the validation that you believe that the hallucinations are real to the client.
  • Do not argue with the client about the hallucinations or delusions.
  • Respond to the feelings that are communicated to the client when he was having hallucinations or delusions.
  • Switch and the client focus on a structured activity or task-based reality.
  • Move the client to a more quiet, less stimulating.
  • Wait until the client does not have hallucinations or delusions before starting the counseling session about it.
  • Explain that hallucinations or delusions are symptoms of psychiatric disorders.
  • Say that the anxiety or increased stimulus from the environment, to stimulate the onset of hallucinations.
  • Help clients to control hallucinations by focusing on reality and take medication as prescribed.
  • If hallucinations persist, Bantu clients ignore it and continue acting remedy properly despite a hallucination.
  • Teach a variety of cognitive strategies and tell the client to use self talk ("voices that makes no sense") and the cessation of the mind ("I will not think about it").

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