Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Levels of Anxiety - Mild, Moderate and Severe

Levels of Anxiety

Mild anxiety

Mild anxiety is a feeling that something is different and requires special attention. Increased sensory stimulation and helps the individual focus of attention for learning, doing, solving problems, feel, and protect themselves. Mild anxiety associated with the tension of everyday life events. At this level of perception of land to widen and individuals will be cautious and vigilant.

a. Physiological response
  • Occasional shortness of breath
  • Pulse and blood pressure increase
  • Mild symptoms of the stomach
  • Wrinkled face and lips tremble
  • Mild muscle strain
  • Relaxed or less anxious
b. Cognitive response
  • Able to accept that complex excitatory
  • Concentrate on the problem
  • Solve problems effectively
  • Little sense of failure
  • Be alert and pay attention to many things
  • Look calm and confident
  • Optimal learning rate
c. Behavioral and Emotional Response
  • Unable to sit still
  • Fine tremor of the hands
  • Voice sometimes rising
  • A little impatient
  • Activity tends to be alone

2. Moderate anxiety

Moderate anxiety is a disturbing feeling that something really different, people become nervous or agitated. For example, a woman visiting her mother for the first time in several months and feel that there is something very different. Mom said that the weight down a lot without trying to reduce it. At this level of land decreases the perception of the environment, individuals are more focused on the important thing was to the exclusion of anything else.

a. Physiological responses
  • Intermediate muscle tension
  • Vital signs improved
  • Pupillary dilation, began to sweat
  • Often paced, slapped hands
  • Sound change: a shaky voice, high voice
  • Increased alertness and tension
  • Frequent urination, headaches, sleep pattern changes, back pain
b. Cognitive response
  • Field perception of declining
  • No attention is selectively
  • The focus of the stimulus increases
  • Decreased attention span
  • Decreased problem-solving
  • Learning takes place by focusing
c. Behavioral and emotional responses
  • uncomfortable
  • sensitive
  • Confidence shaken
  • Unconsciousness
  • excited

3. Severe anxiety

Severe anxiety is experienced when an individual believes that there is something different and there is a threat: it shows the response of fear and distress. When individuals reach the highest level of anxiety, severe panic, all rational thinking stops and the individual is experiencing the fight, flight, the need to go as soon as possible, remain in place and fight, or be frozen or can not do anything.

a. Physiological responses
  • Severe muscle tension
  • hyperventilation
  • Poor eye contact
  • Transpiration increased
  • Fast talking, high-tone
  • Aimless and haphazard actions
  • jaw tightened
  • The need for increased space
  • Pacing, yelling
  • Wringing hands, shaking
b. Cognitive response
  • Limited field of perception
  • Fragmented thought processes
  • It's hard to think
  • Poor problem-solving
  • Unable to consider the information
  • Just watch the threat
  • Preokupasi with a mind of its own
  • Egocentric
c. Behavioral and emotional responses
  • very anxious
  • agitation
  • fear
  • confused
  • Feeling inadequate
  • withdraw
  • denial
  • want to be free

Anxiety Assessment and Nursing Diagnosis

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